How We Do It

Business Group Coaching for Your RTO

Get better together with industry-leading business team coaching

We believe wholeheartedly in group sessions within our Coaching, Mentoring and Consultancy Program. While the program allows you to drill down to specifics with one-on-one sessions, group business coaching sessions can cover a lot of ground and maximise efficiency.

Other standard business group coaching programs are limited to just one person— usually the owner or other designated staff member. While there will always be the main contact, we understand that it takes a team to create and maintain a successful RTO.

How We Do It 3

You may already know who within your RTO needs to join in the group coaching, mentoring and consultancy sessions. If not, we will help you identify who is best to include as part of the discovery call or as we continue to assist your RTO.

Group coaching, mentoring and consultancy sessions are especially valuable when there is a new process or system that needs to be shared. Rather than tell one person and task them with sharing the news around, gather everyone together who is impacted by this change and let them actively participate in the training.

Not only is this an efficient use of your time, but you will also provide everyone with an opportunity to voice their questions and feedback. This is critical in situations where those who have created a new system or process are not the only ones who will become responsible for that process. Team coaching for your RTO will shed light on any blindspots and solve issues before they have a chance to become an issue!

Unlock the Full Potential of Group Business Coaching

Group coaching, mentoring and consultancy sessions can be used for more than just rolling out new processes or systems. We have also used them to great effect when teams are struggling to align themselves to the vision of the RTO. Getting your team to unite and work through it together can be invaluable.

We all perform better when we know that our input and our work is valued. Involving your staff in business team training shows that you care, and are willing to invest in their future.

Our sessions are held across Zoom, recorded, and loaded into your private channel so staff can review the coaching anytime— perfect for when you need to onboard new staff members into your RTO.

We also share screens so your team can see exactly what we’re talking about when discussing processes or workflows.

How We Do It 6
RTO Coach

Ready to get your team involved and take your RTO to the next level?

Reach out and let us know how we can help.
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