Problems We Solve

RTO Compliance: Not Scary, Just Important

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Make us your no-fuss RTO compliance manager

There’s nothing like the word ‘compliance’ or ‘audit’ to send a ripple of fear through many RTOs. We’ll cut right to the chase: compliance is simple when you have the right tools, technique, and mindset.

The good news is that all the information you need to check whether you are compliant or not is already available, no mystery or guesswork required. It’s called the Standards of Registered Training Organisations. These Standards exist to ensure that every RTO is following the same set of guidelines, and therefore we can be confident that each student has been given a fair opportunity to become truly competent in their chosen program.

The Standards are detailed and cover topics like marketing, recruitment, enrolment, support, student progression, training and assessment, completion/graduation, and governance. They are the first tool in achieving RTO compliance and passing an ASQA audit.

You’re a Great RTO Manager. Why Do You Need Us?

So if you already have the Standards, why do you need us to help with RTO compliance? Because the application of the Standards is where even the best RTO managers and owners struggle. For example, if I need to ‘clearly identify’ to a student that they must engage in workplace training, what constitutes clear identification? A phone call? An email? A line in the student handbook? A banner on the website? Skywriting above their house?

We have been there before, and we have participated in over 300 audits with ASQA. We know what they’re looking for and we know how to apply these standards so that your RTO is not only compliant but successful. This is where we apply techniques to the management of your RTO.

Here’s the truth: you need to be compliant to be successful, but compliance doesn’t automatically equal success. You can pat yourself on the back for being fully compliant and still not see growth, student retention, high completion rates or high satisfaction rates. Focus instead on providing a quality service. Keep innovating. Review your systems from the perspective of a student. Have passion for what you do. Students don’t rave about compliant RTOs that are unfriendly, outdated, hard to contact, or stale.

This brings us to your mindset.

Problems We Solve 1

The Role of Mindset in RTO Compliance

Mindset is a huge part of the work we do with clients as part of our Coaching, Mentoring and Consultancy Program. We help RTO managers and owners not only understand compliance but embrace it as part of the quality service they provide. If you already have a compliance manager on your team, we can work directly with them as well.

Compliance is not something to lose sleep about. It is very achievable. We have the right tools, techniques and mindset to make it happen for you.

If you’re tired of re-reading the same clause in the Standards and trying to determine how it applies to you, you’ve received a notice of non-compliance and don’t know where to start, or you just need to unload about the overall stress of managing your RTO, send us a message – we’ll put you on the right track.

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No. We will provide a proposal that outlines the work that we will undertake as well as the fees associated with that. If at any time you decide you no longer require our services, just let us know.

No, there is no need to engage anyone when setting up or running an RTO. However, engaging a good coach, mentor and consultant will allow you to focus on running your RTO. They will be on hand if you need assistance. Talk to us about how we can help you and your RTO to grow to become a successful and sustainable business.

Yes, ASQA allows consultants to participate in audits. RTO Coach consultants always sit in ASQA audits.

ASQA will generally finalise applications for initial registration within six months of accepting a properly completed and fully compliant application. ‘Finalise’ means that ASQA has made a decision and advised the applicant (not that any review process has been completed).

ASQA does not accept payment in instalments. You are required to pay any annual registration charges or any other charges in full by the date specified in the payment terms.

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